Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Interesting ...

So I'm taking Yoga classes at the local recreation centre. A friend mentioned some concern about the Hindu influences in the practice but I've been using it as a time to meditate on God.

Well last night during the relaxation portion the instructor lead us through a series of visualizations. She told us to picture someone close to us that we truly loved and then to think of someone who means absolutely nothing to us.

Now the neat thing is that it took me a while to come up with someone! I went through my circles - co-workers (nope, I have affection for them); neighbours (same thing there affection); folks at church (again, affection) ... I ended up coming up with the face of the woman who served me coffee that morning. And I could see her nametag. Then we were to think of that person with love and then thing of a larger group of people and think of them with love. So then I came up with all of Hamilton.

It was a really interesting thought process ... and it made me think of the 40 Day of Mercy we're doing at church. By jove, I think I've got it!



Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Research FIRST!

Ever do something bass-ackwards? I did ...

As you know if you're reading this we're going to VEGAS. So I've been searching various sites to get an idea of a good hotel and flight at a decent price.

Well on Saturday we booked, I got us a great price for the flights (C$1,300 for 4 tickets return!) and what seemed like a really good deal on the room (the Sahara Hotel & Casino for $45 / night on the strip). I did check the reviews on and they were mixed.

So ... after I do all this and I book us in ... I decide to check the reviews on Trip Advisor and ... oh my are they SCARY! This is when I've already agreed to a $29 / room charge if we change or cancel before Nov 29!

So now it looks like we're going to cancel (eat the $60) and book in elsewhere. I'm thinking the La Quinta Inn Las Vegas Airport. It's a bit more expensive (C$100/night), but it's a non-gaming facility 1/2 mile from the strip, with breakfast included and it gets GOOD ratings on Tripadvisor AND in the Frommer's Travel Guide. This time I did my homework!

Live and learn eh?

~ Shirley