Monday, June 26, 2006

Why I Run

A message board I post on had this thread ... and I thought I'd share my post ...

Why do I run? Well it certainly wasn't due to gym teacher in high school! I hgh school I was NO athlete. I HATED running - got a stitch each and every time. I quit taking gym the minute I could which was Grade 10.

As years passed I would walk and I was a waitress for many years (running up and down stairs carrying food and drink is quite a cardio workout let me tell you!) and for a while I did aerobics each and every lunch hour.

Then at the age of 31 I got pregnant with my son and put on 40 lbs. After he was born I lost 30 lickety split but the last 10 kept hanging around putting my weight around 160. I maintained that weight until he was 7 when he wasn't a good excuse anymore. I joined weightwatchers and lost 25 lbs. and felt great but didn't start exercising until after.

THEN the summer before I turned 40 I met a woman at a party who had done a marathon for Team in Training ... she was so inspiring I thought to myself "what a way to celebrate my 40th year and my new shape" ... so I walked a 1/2 marathon in October of 2002 and then started running. Well actually I ran my fist 5K in August before the October 1/2. I'll never forget coming close to the finish line and seeing 34:00 when I expected to see 38:00!

Then after the 1/2 I started running in November with a buddy who was going to do her first full for her 40th .. we trained together and finished our first marathon in May of 2003. I'll never forget that race ... I KNEW I wanted to do another marathon while I was doing it ... and I've done 7 since!

So ... I run to remind myself that I CAN DO ANYTHING! I'm not fast, not pretty when I run and not in any way shape or form "gifted" athletically ... I can just put one foot in front of the other for a long time ... AND I LIKE IT!!

Finishing marathons reminds me that I have the power within me to do whatever I set my mind to. It's an amazing feeling ... try it sometime.

~ Shirley