Thursday, December 22, 2005

Listening to Music ...

Music to Hear
Hey ... want to listen to some great music - at NO cost?? My friend Jason (the incredibly talented worship leader at church) has posted a bunch of songs on his blog in MP3 format ... all available for any interested ears to hear! He's just looking for feedback ... so give him a listen! Check out and let him (and me) know what you think!

Well last night we went to Connor's Christmas Piano Concert. He really likes playing the piano (he's in Grade 4 piano after writing and receiving Honours on his Grade 3 piano exams in the spring).

And on another musical note ...

Christmas Piano Concert
So there's approx 15 kids who are going to perform at a local church. Well anyway, there's one family with a daughter all dressed up to perform and a little boy about 3. This boy was carrying on crying when we arrived. HE did this for about 10 minutes and Mom didn't do anything. (If it was me, I'd have hauled Connor out of the room to avoid bothering anyone). So we had some concerns.

Then the performances started ... and this kid kept talking, stamping his feet, etc. Not constantly but certainly enough to be annoying. And THEN his mother, who was videotaping the event, started actually WATCHING the video with the sound ON during one child's performance! RUDE! Michael tapped her on the shoulder and said "Shhhh!" and she stopped but HECK!

These kids have been practicing for a long time and deserve some respect!

~ Shirley