Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Tuesday evening ...

Well I haven't posted for a while ... last week I was away all week at a course. I was getting certified to deliver the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. It's a personality instrument that SORTS people into one of 16 personality "types". It's based on the work of Carl Jung, one of the fathers of modern psychotherapy. It looks at your cognitive preferences. A quick and dirty on the types and the 4 dichotomies:
  • Where you get your energy - internally or a preference for Introversion (I) or externally a preference for Extroversion (E)
  • How you perceive information - looking at details in the present (S) or Sensing preference or by looking at patterns, theorys, with a future orientation (N) or intuiting preference
  • What criteria you use to make decisions - being objective and using impassioned logic (T) or Thinking prefernce or take a subjective view and determining its impact on people (F) or Feeling preference
  • and finally how you respond to the outer world - if you seek to have some control over it through plans and schedules (J) or Judging Preference or responding to the outer world by being flexible and spontaneous (P) or Perceiving prefernce.

I am an ENFP. ENFP's are described as warmly enthusiastic, high-spirited, innovative and imaginative, always finding a new possibility to try. They are quick with a suggestion for any difficulty, empathetic, and ready to help anyone with a problem. They often rely on their ability to improvise than preparing in advance.

It was really cool. I learned sooooooooooooooo much. The drag was I had to drive to and from Markham every day ... 105K each way on the 407. That highway is NUTS! If I was going less than 130 I felt like I was slowing traffic. And I once found myself doing almost 150 and a guy wanted to pass me! CRAZY I tell you!

On Saturday Connor had a friend over for a movie ... and we all watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail ... What fun! I haven't thought about Monty Python for years. It's really quite funny ... Connor got most of the jokes. And the best part is that the humour isn't crude. It's way out there but generally not crude. They were all just a little off kilter I think!

Today my DH got a colonoscopy done ... he's okay ... I took the afternoon off work to be with him. He told me before today not to take the day off but I did ... and when he came to and I was there he was really pleased. I know my baby ... I wanted to be there.

Well ... that's it for now ...

Cheers Shirley