Friday, January 06, 2006

Miscellaneous thoughts on a New Year

Isn't it hard to believe that it's 2006? It seems just yesterday that we were all worried about Y2K stuff. Amazing how time flies.

My running of late hasn't been good. I've been having trouble getting out (motivation) and lead legs when I do. But then again I've been in pre-menstral mode which is stronger and stronger lately. Should be finished soon ... and I'm getting out for some distance so my training such as it is, is okay.

As well, I came across an article in Macleans magazine on a new magazine called GEEZ which is a new Christian magazine concerned with social change. The article talked about interesting ideas included in the magazine like pictures of crowds with "Jesus votes Republican" and "Jesus was a liberal" on their t-shirts and the magazine asking "What if God isn't on your side? What if God has no sides?" Interesting eh?

Here's a link to the magazine The mandate of the magazine is described as:

Geez magazine has set up camp on the fringes of faith. It is a refuge and inspiration for people of restless faith and blessed instinct.
  • It is welcome relief for over-churched souls who are ready for compassionate, resistant and spiritually viable ways of living in our world.
  • While it defies the unholy alliance between church, state, market and military, it also seeks the points at which contemplative vigor emerges at the front lines of social change.
  • It laments how civilized souls sacrifice meaning for convenience. And it celebrates the spiritual disciplines of biking and planting radishes.
  • Geez inhabits a little piece of the spiritual commons. A place where a prevailing individualized spirituality is replaced with a co-operative spirit and Christian community.At its best, Geez diversifies the myths by which we live, expressing fluency in image, symbol and word.

I'm going to get a subscription ... looks pretty darned interesting!



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