Tuesday, July 04, 2006

War Memorial

Have you heard about what happened at the War Memorial over the weekend? Check this link ... it's just AWFUL and made that much worse that it was a veteran that witnessed the awful spectacle.

I hope that those involved get charged AND convicted of all 3 possible charges:
  1. mischief
  2. being drunk in a public place and
  3. performing an indecent act in a public place.

They should also be tried publically so that they are subject to the derision and defamation that they bestowed on others.

Whenever we visit Ottawa we always stop by the War Memorial and spend a few minutes to give thanks to those who served and made our great country what it is ... to think that some IDIOTS (that's what they are) would urinate on it is absolutely UNTHINKABLE to me!

~ Shirley

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