Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Girls Gone Raunch

Anyone out there read the cover article in the newest Maclean's Magazine? It's on a topic that I've been thinking about over the past few years.

It's about the "pornofication" of society and, more specifically, about how girls today are treating themselves worse than men used to before feminism. And how true that is ... have you seen teenage girls lately? Skimpy little tops, thongs hanging out ... to quote the article young girls are "doing their best to look the "skankiest," trying to "look as slutty, willing and wanton" as they could". The article also talks about girls putting on all sorts of displays to "get guys" and the author states this promotes the idea "that female sexuality should be about performance and not about pleasure."

I don't understand ... why on earth would this be wise? Why would you want to look like that. I highly doubt that they will get respect from anyone. Plus why on earth would you want to denigrate and cheapen what is a keystone to any longstanding relationship ... how can you be intimate with someone when sex is a performance and therefore meaningless? It's cheapening the act, the person and the relationship.

I'm soooooooo glad I don't have a girl!

~ Shirley


harvestfound said...

hi shirley, amy's sister, jen here.
whooooo- that maclean's linked story was very scary - i have two daughters and hope that that whole thing is over by the time they reach 13. great link.

DragonWoman said...

I won't expand too much here as I responded to you previously (just wanted to check out your blog!).

This topic really scares me, though. I don't have any kids, yet, but, man oh man.

How do we teach young women that this isn't what life's all about? We all need to explore and make mistakes, but ... so sad. So, so sad.