Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Merry Christmas!
We had a lovely Christmas, hope you did too! It started off so nicely on Christmas Eve. We (DH, DS and I) went to the church early to help out with a Refugee/New Immigrant Dinner and then stayed for the service.
Michael was in there like a dirty shirt helping serve buns and cleaning up after. And he's not even a member nor an attender! After the service a member of the church (who saw the articles in the paper on our 20th Las Vegas Renewal and said "I didn't know you were married") came over to meet Michael and say how nice it was to see him at church. And after church Connor said how nice it was for his Dad to come to church.
After church we went to my SIL's for some nibbles and that was nice too!
Christmas my MIL came for the day and we had a nice time. We also went for a run early in the day before MIL came over which was great! Dinner was good and Connor enjoyed his presents BIG time! Michael and I only exchanged small gifts as Las Vegas and the family we sponsored were our gifts to each other.
Today I'm heading out for a 10K my longest run since Vegas. Hope its a good one!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Listening to Music ...
Hey ... want to listen to some great music - at NO cost?? My friend Jason (the incredibly talented worship leader at church) has posted a bunch of songs on his blog in MP3 format ... all available for any interested ears to hear! He's just looking for feedback ... so give him a listen! Check out www.jasonsilver.com and let him (and me) know what you think!
Well last night we went to Connor's Christmas Piano Concert. He really likes playing the piano (he's in Grade 4 piano after writing and receiving Honours on his Grade 3 piano exams in the spring).
And on another musical note ...
Christmas Piano Concert
So there's approx 15 kids who are going to perform at a local church. Well anyway, there's one family with a daughter all dressed up to perform and a little boy about 3. This boy was carrying on crying when we arrived. HE did this for about 10 minutes and Mom didn't do anything. (If it was me, I'd have hauled Connor out of the room to avoid bothering anyone). So we had some concerns.
Then the performances started ... and this kid kept talking, stamping his feet, etc. Not constantly but certainly enough to be annoying. And THEN his mother, who was videotaping the event, started actually WATCHING the video with the sound ON during one child's performance! RUDE! Michael tapped her on the shoulder and said "Shhhh!" and she stopped but HECK!
These kids have been practicing for a long time and deserve some respect!
~ Shirley
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Today I choose ...
Today I choose . . .
The day is coming the refuge of the early morning will invaded by decisions to be made and deadlines to be met
For the next 12 hours I will be exposed to the days demands. It is now I must make a choice. And so I choose
I choose Love
No situation justifies hatred; no justice warrants bitterness.
I chose love
Today I will love God and what God wants.
I choose Joy
I will invite my God to be the God of circumstance.
I will refuse the temptation to be cynical … the tool of the lazy thinker.
I will refuse to see people as anything less than human beings created by God.
I will refuse to see any problem as anything less than an opportunity to see God.
I choose Peace
I will live forgiven.
I will forgive so that I may live.
I choose Patience
I will overlook the inconveniences of the world.
Instead of cursing the one who takes my place, I’ll invite him to do so.
Rather than complain that the wait is loo long, I will thank God for a moment to pray.
Instead of clenching my fist at new assignments, I will face them with joy and courage.
I choose Kindness
I will be kind to the poor, for they are alone.
I will be kind to the rich, for they are afraid.
And kind to the unkind, for such is how God has treated me.
I choose Goodness
I will go without a dollar before I take a dishonest one.
I will be overlooked before I boast.
I will confess before I accuse.
I choose Faithfulness
Today I will keep my promises.
My debtors will not regret their trust.
My associates will not question my word.
My wife or husband will not question my love.
And my children will never fear their father/mother will not come home.
I choose Gentleness
Nothing is won by force.
I choose to be gentle.
If I raise my voice, may it be only in praise.
If I clench my fist, may be only in prayer.
If I make a demand, may be only of myself.
I choose Self - Control
I am a spiritual being, after this body is dead, my spirit will soar.
I refuse to let what will rot rule the eternal.
I will be drunk only on joy.
I will be impassioned only by my faith.
I will be influenced only by God.
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control … to these I commit my day
If I succeed, I will give thanks
If I fail, I will seek his grace
And then, when this day is done, I will place my head on my pillow and rest
Monday, December 12, 2005
Newspaper artcles & Vegas Photos!

Well since I got back from Las Vegas I've been sick ... actually I got sick in Vegas. The day before the run I woke up with a sore throat and laryngitis. I kep telling myself "I'm not getting sick, I'm not getting sick." Then I ran the marathon and I'm certain I let the virus get in really good!
So since then I've been coughing and talking like a frog or a man.
We had two articles in the Hamilton Spectator ... kinda cool. About our renewal. Click here for the first article (December 1, 2005) and here for the 2nd article (December 9, 2005). They are both in PDF format but you can also view them in html format here for #1 and here for #2.
I'm posting our pics on FLICKR so check out the pics at left.
But in the meantime ... here's some pics from Vegas! Happy anniversary darling!
~ Shirley
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Marathon #7 and Anniversary #20
Our anniversary started with a 4:00 a.m. wake up call from the hotel and the buzz of the alarm clock on the side of the bed. The race started at 6:00 a.m. and since we’re renewing our vows we need to be at the Mandalay Bay Hotel at 4:45 a.m. to meet up with the 24 other couples and race officials.
We had a quick bite to eat, a photo and we’re off to the hotel. Terry drove us in the rental car. It’s 4:30 a.m. and we have trouble getting there because the roads are already closed on the Strip. Terry drops us off as close as possible but in Vegas each hotel property is a full city block and we’re 3 hotels away (one mile)! We race through the hotels in our wedding finery to many stares from early morning gamblers and choruses of “congratulations!” from other runners on their way to the start line.
We make it to the appointed meeting spot at 5:05, just in time, thankfully! There are at least 20 Elvi there and the other couples in their wedding gear. The brides are generally the ones that have dressed up with each and every one wearing a veil of some kind. The grooms are less identifiable and Michael is the only one in a suit jacket! There is a definite buzz of excitement both about the wedding and the marathon.
We are treated like royalty by other runners and again there are choruses of “congratulations” and applause as we make our way through the casino as a group. At 5:45 a.m. the group (Elvi and couples) is escorted to the start line at the front of the 11,000 strong pack.
At the start line there are speeches from the Mayor and the Race Director who points out that there are 25 couples getting married at mile 5. The sun is just starting to rise and there’s definitely a crackle of excitement in the air that matches the fireworks that are set off just as the gun goes to start the race.
It was pretty cold (3-4 Celsius) with a cold wind blowing from the North at 40kph but we’re off running down the Strip with 11,000 others! The lights and sounds of the strip and thousands of pounding feet are everywhere.
As Michael and I make our way down the strip we see people running in all sorts of gear including one man who’s running barefoot and another wearing just a flesh coloured Speedo-type bathing suit. We’re congratulated by what seems every second runner. The women really seem to like that it’s our 20th anniversary on the exact day of the race. Spectators along the way call out their congratulations when they see my veil. It feels pretty darn special.
We reach the chapel, which is actually at the 5.5 mile point in just over an hour. Michael has never run that far before and we did it in a pretty fast pace. I clocked us at an 11:25/mile pace over the distance and it really didn’t feel like we were pushing it. We sort of expected to be the last couple to arrive at the chapel and we weren’t.
At the water station just before the chapel there were wedding cakes ready to be cut and there was a balloon arch across the street in front of the chapel. Terry and Connor are there with big smiles and hugs. Many of the Elvi are on the street high-fiving runners going by. At the chapel we’re given mylar blankets to keep us warm until the ceremony’s over. As well, there’s a bucket of hot water just in case anyone has “cold feet”. As well, there are lots of media there to take pictures and film the event for TV.
The Minister William Peterson gathers everyone together. The three couples who are actually getting married are at the front of the group. He uses the customary wedding script but adds in running references such as “Do you take this woman to be your wife and running partner”, and “Will you go the distance?” etc. During the ceremony Connor is right there with Michael and I as we renew our vows and Terry is close by taking photos.
Soon the ceremony is over and it’s time to rejoin the race. Lots of kisses going on and I leave Michael, Terry and Connor and continue on with the marathon. I leave my bouquet with Connor but I keep my baseball cap and veil. All along the course I get congratulations from runners and spectators. And then I get the next question, “Where’s the groom?” to which I answer, “I left him at the altar.” This retort gets much laughter followed by the exclamation of “Then you’re a runaway bride!”
I met up with Michael at mile 26 to kisses and hugs. I keep going and we meet up again at the finish line. Terry and Connor are there with noisemakers, hugs and flip-flops for my tired feet.
What a way to celebrate 20 years! Marriage is a lot like a marathon: it takes commitment and dedication and it can be gruelling but the joy that comes from it is undeniable!
Happy anniversary to my darling!
I'll post photos tomorrow ... in the meantime if you want to see some check out www.marathonfoto.com choose LAS VEGAS MARATHON, Last Name FORSYTH and bib # 9359.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Random Thoughts ... ...
I got out for 26K this past weekend using the nice-easy Chicago method of R2/W4. I meant to go for 30 but developed a blister which blew again. I'm getting tired of bloody socks. I'm going to get fitted for new shoes after LVM 'coz I don't think the toebox is working for me anymore.
Well ... must dash ...
~ Shirley
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Cheating ...
The organizers of the Marine Marthon (where the cheating occurred) have said they are considering barring the group because of the cheating. One of the race organizers said "The man or woman who ran 26.2 miles, who worked out for six or nine months, they shouldn't have to feel that their medal is cheapened by the fact that somebody got the same medal for running 22."
Personally I would NEVER cheat, never cut mileage off a course just to finish. I'd be cheating MYSELF! I also don't think that you shoudl wear a marathon medal if you didn't complete the whole thing ... the medal is a FINISHER medal for completing not entering.
Apparently they have realized the error of their ways ... http://www.jeansmarines.com/news.asp?nid=14. This post says in future No short-cutting will be encouraged, allowed or tolerated.
The unfortunate part is that the Runner message boards are FULL of this scandal and it adds fodder to the thought of faster runners that anyone who completes a marathon over 5 hours shouldn't be part of it. Some faster runners actually say that anyone who walks ANY PART of a marathon doesn't deserve to be there ... actions like this add fuel to this argument.
Just goes to show that cheating hurts many beyond the individual that does the cheating.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Interesting ...
Well last night during the relaxation portion the instructor lead us through a series of visualizations. She told us to picture someone close to us that we truly loved and then to think of someone who means absolutely nothing to us.
Now the neat thing is that it took me a while to come up with someone! I went through my circles - co-workers (nope, I have affection for them); neighbours (same thing there affection); folks at church (again, affection) ... I ended up coming up with the face of the woman who served me coffee that morning. And I could see her nametag. Then we were to think of that person with love and then thing of a larger group of people and think of them with love. So then I came up with all of Hamilton.
It was a really interesting thought process ... and it made me think of the 40 Day of Mercy we're doing at church. By jove, I think I've got it!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Research FIRST!
As you know if you're reading this we're going to VEGAS. So I've been searching various sites to get an idea of a good hotel and flight at a decent price.
Well on Saturday we booked, I got us a great price for the flights (C$1,300 for 4 tickets return!) and what seemed like a really good deal on the room (the Sahara Hotel & Casino for $45 / night on the strip). I did check the reviews on Expedia.ca and they were mixed.
So ... after I do all this and I book us in ... I decide to check the reviews on Trip Advisor and ... oh my are they SCARY! This is when I've already agreed to a $29 / room charge if we change or cancel before Nov 29!
So now it looks like we're going to cancel (eat the $60) and book in elsewhere. I'm thinking the La Quinta Inn Las Vegas Airport. It's a bit more expensive (C$100/night), but it's a non-gaming facility 1/2 mile from the strip, with breakfast included and it gets GOOD ratings on Tripadvisor AND in the Frommer's Travel Guide. This time I did my homework!
Live and learn eh?
~ Shirley
Monday, October 31, 2005
Mum Show
Ever been to the Mum Show in Hamilton's Gage Park? It's just BEAUTIFUL! Chrysanthemum's of every shape, size and colour in an absolutely gorgeous display. My favourites were the sort of "wild" ones like the one above.
Its funny I didn't go to the Mum Show for many years and then we started going about 3 years ago and I really enjoy it. One thing that really struck me this year when I was looking at the flowers was the thought "How can anyone look at these magnificent blooms and not believe in God?" I mean they are just amazing ... and it reminded me of a garden plaque I saw once. It said "He who plants a seed believes in God" ... after all if you plant a see you have faith that it will germinate into a plant, tree, flower. Quite amazing to think all the genetic information for a large maple tree is in that little, tiny seed!
I just did the Sacred Pathways quiz ... nod to Jason ... Here's my results ... see if it sounds like me:
- Activist 24 - Activists draw near to God through bring about social change
- Enthusiast 23 - Enthusasts draw near to God through celebration and mystery.
- Caregiver 21 - Caregivers draw near to God through caring for and serving others.
- Contemplative 19 - Contemplatives draw near to God through personal adoration and heartfelt devotion.
- Intellectual 17 - Intellectuals draw near to God through their minds.
- Sensate 17 - Sensates draw near to God through their minds
- Naturalist 16 - Naturalists draw near to God through nature.
- Ascetics 15 - Ascetics draw near to God through solitude and simplicity.
- Traditionalists draw near to God through ritual and symbol.
~ Shirley
Friday, October 28, 2005
With Apologies to Faith Hill ...
Later - I thought I should probably explain my ambivalence and how this came to be. When my DH first mentioned this idea of going to Vegas to renew our vows I was decidedly not thrilled. I had 3 thoughts:
- When we were in Vegas in 1990 I decided I NEVER wanted to go back.
- I was entirely SICK of casinos and really didn't like seeing all the people in them who obviously didn't have the money to spend there.
- Also the idea of renewing our vows in Vegas seemed to make a mockery of the whole thing ... after all Las Vegas is "Sin City".
Shirley :)
Monday, October 24, 2005
Renewing Vows in Vegas!?!?!

Okay ... here's the deal ... December 4, 2005 is my 20th Wedding anniversary ... that is also the day that the New Las Vegas Marathon is being held.
My DH said we should go to Vegas and I should run the marathon ... now they were also looking for people to get married during the race. And today we got an email today that we've been selected to renew our vows!
Only we both have "to be registered for and running the race" I suggested to DH that he register and just do 8K (at 15 minute per mile pace) so we could do it ... he's not convinced.
I think it'd be a BLAST! The ceremony will be performed live on TV and Elvis will be singing at the wedding ... wish me luck in convincing him!
~ Shirley
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Saturday Afternoon ...
When I woke up this morning I was a little concerned … it was single degree temperature and raining and the weather forecast called for heavy rain. This is easy “stay at home” weather … Well the rain held off for the most part and 61 people came out! (Considering the entire congregation is around 300 that’s not bad!)
Connor my DS and I stayed back and did childcare. There was only 2 kids – Jason & Joanne’s two youngest – Seth and Grace. Connor and Seth played together and had fun. Connor’s not doing well today. He got braces yesterday so his mouth hurts and he got home from the football game at 11:30 so he’s tired too … there were tears this morning.
Well I’m feeling pretty darn whipped … I think I might lie down for a nap. I’ve been running on adrenaline for the last while … Chicago, busy as a bee at work, the Haiti Race last weekend, getting started on the Spin for Kidz and H20 … I’m BEAT!!!
But first some thanks … Thank you LORD for making H2O Day a success! It is the first thing I’ve done at the church so I really wanted to do a good job. But most of all I wanted it to be YOUR success and YOUR day. And it was! Thank You for Your faith in me, Your help and most of all Your encouragement through all the people You surround me with!
You are AWESOME!
~ Shirley
Monday, October 17, 2005
God is Good & Chicago Pics!
First the praise and thanks! Last week I mentioned my anxieties about the sign up for H2O (my church's community clean up event) and said I leaving it in the the LORD's hands ... well God is GOOD! My anxieties about H2O have been laid to rest definitively!
On Friday I spoke to the Church Admin about the event and the low sign up and we were talking about cancelling. In the middle of our conversation I spoke to Jason and he said that we couldn't cancel as it was a big part of our Forty Days of Mercy and suggested sending out an email to get sign up ... and while I spoke to Bryan he sent it out ... and the response started coming in! There's now approx 50 people signed up for it! Thank you Jason and praise GOD!
Chicago Pics!
I got my pictures

This is me at the finish ... after 5:42 I still look pretty fresh!
For more pics from Chicago ... check out the Flickr badge at left!
~ Shirley
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Feeling Better ..
By the time I got home and then got up the next morning I was BONE TIRED! I had trouble putting words together in a sentence! Went to work for 1/2 a day and then went home to sleep!
Speaking of Chicago ... the race pictures are up! Check them out at www.marathonfoto.com last name FORSYTH and bib # 11305.
This weekend is the Haiti Run a good cause! All the money raised goes to help kids in Haiti. Last year the run raised $75,000! I'm going to run with Jenny in her 2nd 5K. We went out last night for a 3K run and I was amazed how good I felt. We also ran into some Learn To Run folks from the Den who will also be doing Haiti. They were exactly the same pace as Jenny and had the same pre-race jitters about not finishing. Made her feel better.
After the Haiti run Michael and I are going to a wedding ... and I've still got to get a gift! Wish me luck! Connor is staying over at Michael's Mom's. Then on Sunday its sign up day for H2O ... only Michael wants me to stay home ... this could be tricky!
H2O is concerning me a little ... last week someone was supposed to look after registration but they went away for thanksgiving and so asked someone else to do it ... and I haven't heard yet how it went. Then with Michael's wanting me to stay home ... I know the LORD will look after things and it will happen as HE wants ... but I want it to be successful.
Ah well ... I'll just leave it in HIS oh-so-capable hands, right?
Have a great day!
~ Shirley
Monday, October 10, 2005
Chicago ... it's MY kind of town!
The bus ride down was 9 hours but passed fairly quickly. I was (not surprisingly chatting with lots of the folks on the bus.) We got in to Chicago around 4 pm. and at 5:30 went to the Expo. It was really quick picking up race kits and goodies / freebies galore.
I also got my body composition done on a new Tanita Ironman scale and it's going on my fridge! It said my wt 143.8 (with jeans at 7 pm), lean muscle mass 110 lbs., 54.4% water, and then it gave a body composition rating between 1-9 and I got 8!!!!! It also told me that my "metabolic age" was 15 ... not too bad for a 42yr old!
I was rooming with Brenda who I met on the bus and my friend Carolyn from Virginia. We had a great time. Kind of like having a pyjama party! On Saturday we spend wandering around downtown Chicago. We spent a bit too much time on our feet but heck. We saw the Hilton, walked along Michigan avenue and loved seeing al the buildings ... great architecture and went to Marshall Fields.
I met up with SB but missed Brynne (I know both of them from the www.weightwatchers.ca bulletin boards. We also found out that marathon finishers can get into the Chicago BLackhawks game FREE tonite! So it was a toss up ... NHL or post-race party!
Shuffle and I are both started out with the 5:45 bunny ... We stayed with Colleen who was wonderful and doing a 2R/4W until 25 miles and then sped up to come in at 5:42:08 for an overall place of 30,570 out of approx 34,000 ... I'm pretty pleased 'coz I trained for a 6:00 finish and came in 18 mins faster!!!!!
I'll post more about the race later ... IT WAS A BLAST!!!
Gotta go ... the bus is leaving in 1/2 an hour!
Ciao for now!
~ Shirley
Monday, October 03, 2005
Happy Tiger Cat Fan with Sore Glutes!
I went to the game on Friday night and only stayed until 1/2 time because I knew I had to get up early for the race the next day and because Connor's friend Henry was falling asleep! :) When we left the score had it Tiger Cats 17, Edmonton 10 nd I said to Henry ... "you know, they're going to win tonight." So when I got home I turned on the radio while I got my stuff ready for monring ... and sure enought ... THEY DID! They TROUNCED THEM 40-14. Happy Tiger Cat fans for sure!
The funny part was during the 1st quarter when a black squirrel got on the field. The poor little thing must have been scared to death, it kept running back and forth. Then the stadium announcer started announcing "Squirrel is on the 30, 20, 10, 5, ... touchdown squirrel" and the crowd cheered. The Toronto Sun had a pic of it but I can't find it online.
Then on Saturay morning I headed out to Paris and did the Run (or in my case WALK) for the Toad. It ws fun but TOUGH! The race is at Pinehurst Conservation Area and it was up and down hills for the whole thing. My Glutes are sure tired / stiff today! We managed to cover 25K in just under 4 hours which was our goal ... we finished in 3:57:16 coming in 26 out of 64 female walkers! The site should have pics and I'll post 'em when they're up.
Then Sunday I went to church . I really, really like my church. I'm so glad I found it and it's cool 'coz I feel like I know people there. (A couple of the guys also go to the Ti-Cat games so we talk football). And I feel like I belong ... and that's a good feeling.
On Sunday it was communion. I always love communion but for some reason this Sunday it seemed special. I think it was because Lane said something along the lines that it is THIS BLOOD and THIS BODY that is the one and only reason that I'm saved. It rang soo true somehow. I remember another communion in another church some years ago where the pastor said communion is often seen as a sombre event when it should be celebrated because THIS is our gift!
As well 4 people signed up for H2O .. YIPPEEE! Though I was dopy and forgot my H20 Info sheet .. I did email it to them this morning.
After church we went to the AGO for the Catharine the Great show ... it was really something! One of the most fabulous things was the coronation coach check it out!
Then we went to my Mother-in-Law's for crock pot dinner. She's such a great cook and it was doubly nice not to have to cook!
Well ... back to work ... 5 days and counting to CHICAGO! Getting exicted!!!!!
Friday, September 30, 2005
Busy, busy weekend coming
Tonite we're going to the Tiger Cat game ... let's hope it's a good one ... though its usually fun even if they don't win. Funny thing is that we've (my DH, DS and I) have never been sports fans in the past ... let alone football fans. It is a lot of fun going to the game now and as an added bonus I can talk to my Dad about it too!
Tomorrow I'm doing a 25K trail run the Run for the Toad which should be a BLAST! I'm doing it with my friend Karen in preparation for the BIG one next weekend - Chicago! Yep my 6th marathon ... and I'll be doing it with 40,000 of my closest friends!
Then on Sunday its church at Philpott followed by a trip to the Art Gallery of Ontario for the Catharine the Great show.
It should be busy at church too as I'm heading up one initiative that's part of our "Forty Days of Mercy" initiatve (check out the website here) . the initiative is based on the book "Ministries of Mercy" by Timothy Keller. It's a great book worth reading!
And then it's back to work ... ah well ...
I'll let you know what the toad is like later ..
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Ordering from the States
Needless to say I sent them back. The UPS guy said that it happens all the time when people order from the States. Websites don't identify that there will be duty charges.
Hopefully they'll refund my order and I'll order from Amazon.ca or Chapters.ca ... no duty!
Live and learn!
~ Shirley
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Girls Gone Raunch
It's about the "pornofication" of society and, more specifically, about how girls today are treating themselves worse than men used to before feminism. And how true that is ... have you seen teenage girls lately? Skimpy little tops, thongs hanging out ... to quote the article young girls are "doing their best to look the "skankiest," trying to "look as slutty, willing and wanton" as they could". The article also talks about girls putting on all sorts of displays to "get guys" and the author states this promotes the idea "that female sexuality should be about performance and not about pleasure."
I don't understand ... why on earth would this be wise? Why would you want to look like that. I highly doubt that they will get respect from anyone. Plus why on earth would you want to denigrate and cheapen what is a keystone to any longstanding relationship ... how can you be intimate with someone when sex is a performance and therefore meaningless? It's cheapening the act, the person and the relationship.
I'm soooooooo glad I don't have a girl!
~ Shirley
Monday, September 26, 2005
Welcome to MY World
What shall I tell you about me?
Well I'm 42 years young, 5'9", live in Hammertown, Ontario, happily married with a 10 year old son who's the apple of my eye.
I work in Organization Development and have a large social conscience. I'm a rather devout Christian though I'm still fairly new and I LOVE watching movies.
Fave TV shows are the dearly departed Six Feet Under (my absolute favourite), pretty much any CSI, and not a whole lot else.
I sorely miss the CBC and wish that both sides would settle! I miss Andy and Jill and Kevin and Jim in the morning (though it was nice to hear them on UofT radio) and Matt Galloway in the afternoon and Peter and Rex and Keith Boag and all the rest on The National.
Oh yeah ... and why ebenezer's thoughts? Well my user name for practically everything is ebenezer and not for Ebenezer Scrooge. Ebenezer as in 1 Samuel 7:12 "Samuel took a large stone and placed it between the towns of Mizpah and Jeshanah. He named it "Ebenezer" the stone of help for he said, "Up to this point the Lord has helped us." And he has! For more details on this ebenezer click here
Ah well ... I suppose that's enough for now ...
See you later
~ Shirley